Industries And Lines Limited Market Access For Foreign Investors In Vietnam

Industries and lines limited market access for foreign investors in Vietnam from 26th March, 2021

Post date: 14-04-2022

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Industries and lines limited market access for foreign investors in Vietnam

Industries and lines limited market access for foreign investors in Vietnam


List of industries and lines limited market access for foreign investors according to Appendix I attached to the Decree No. 31/ND-CP dated 26th March, 2021 of the Vietnam Government, includes A. Industries and lines that have not been accessed to the market for foreign investors in Vietnam and B. Industries and lines for conditional market access for foreign investors in Vietnam as follows:

A. Industries and lines that have not been accessed to the market for foreign investors in Vietnam:

1. Trading in goods and services on the list of goods and services subject to state monopoly in the field of commerce.
2. Press activities and news gathering activities in any form.
3. Fishing or fishing.
4. Investigation and security services.
5. Judicial administrative services, including judicial expertise services, bailiff services, property auction services, notary services, and services of asset administrators.
6. Service of sending workers to work abroad under contract.
7. Invest in building infrastructure for cemeteries and graveyards to transfer land use rights associated with infrastructure.
8. Garbage collection service directly from households.
9. Public opinion polling service (opinion poll).
10. Blasting service.
11. Producing and trading in weapons, explosives and supporting tools.
12. Import and dismantle used ships.
13. Public postal service.
14. Trading in border-gate transfer of goods.
15. Trading in temporary import for re-export.
16. Exercising the right to export, right to import, and right to distribute with respect to goods on the list of goods that foreign investors and foreign-invested economic organizations are not allowed to exercise the right to export, right import and distribution rights.
17. Collection, purchase and disposal of public property at units of the armed forces.
18. Manufacture of military materials or equipment; trading in military equipment, military equipment for the armed forces, military weapons, equipment, techniques, weapons, specialized military and police vehicles, components, parts, spare parts, supplies and special equipment, specialized technology to manufacture them;
19. Industrial property representation service business and intellectual property assessment service.
20. Services for setting up, operating, maintaining and maintaining navigational signals, water zones, water areas, public navigational channels and navigational routes; surveying services of water areas, water areas, public navigational channels and navigational routes serving the publication of maritime notices; Surveying services, building and publishing charts of water areas, seaports, navigational channels and routes; develop and publish maritime safety documents and publications.
21. Regulatory services to ensure maritime safety in water zones, waters and public navigational channels; maritime electronic information services.
22. Inspection services (inspection, testing) and issuance of certificates for means of transport (including systems, components, equipment and components of vehicles); inspection services and grant of certificates of technical safety and environmental protection for vehicles, specialized equipment, containers, dangerous goods packing equipment used in transportation; inspection services and grant of certificates of technical safety and environmental protection for means and equipment for oil and gas exploration, exploitation and transportation at sea; service of technical inspection of occupational safety for machines and equipment with strict requirements on occupational safety installed on means of transport and vehicles, exploration and mining equipment and transporting oil and gas at sea; fishing vessel registration service.
23. Services of investigation, assessment and exploitation of natural forests (including logging and hunting, trapping of rare and precious wild animals, management of genetic funds of plants, animals and microorganisms used in the forest). Agriculture).
24. Research or use genetic resources of new livestock breeds before being appraised and evaluated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
25. Business travel services, except international travel services serving international tourists to Vietnam.

B. Industries and lines for conditional market access for foreign investors in Vietnam:

1. Production and distribution of cultural products, including video recordings.
2. Production, distribution and projection of television programs and musical, theater and cinematic works.
3. Provide radio and television services.
4. Insurance; Bank; securities trading and other services related to insurance, banking, securities trading.
5. Postal and telecommunications services.
6. Advertising service.
7. Printing services, publication distribution services.
8. Surveying and mapping services.
9. Photography service from above.
10. Educational services.
11. Exploration, exploitation and processing of natural resources, minerals, oil and gas.
12. Hydropower, offshore wind and nuclear power.
13. Transport of goods and passengers by rail, air, road, river, sea, pipeline.
14. Aquaculture, aquaculture.
15. Forestry and hunting.
16. Betting business, casino.
17. Security services.
18. Construction, operation and management of river ports, seaports and airports.
19. Real estate business.
20. Legal services.
21. Veterinary services.
22. Goods trading activities and activities directly related to goods trading activities of foreign service suppliers in Vietnam.
23. Technical analysis and testing services.
24. Travel services.
25. Health and social services.
26. Sports and entertainment services.
27. Paper production.
28. Manufacture of vehicles with over 29 seats.
29. Development and operation of traditional markets.
30. Operations of the Commodity Exchange.
31. Domestic retail collection service.
32. Auditing, accounting, bookkeeping and tax services.
33. Valuation services; consulting on business valuation for equitization.
34. Services related to agriculture, forestry and fishery.
35. Manufacture and manufacture of aircraft.
36. Manufacture and manufacture of locomotives and railway wagons.
37. Producing and trading in tobacco products, tobacco ingredients, machinery and equipment in the tobacco industry.
38. Publisher”s activities.
39. Building and repairing ships.
40. Waste collection services, environmental monitoring services.
41. Commercial arbitration services, arbitration mediation.
42. Trading in logistics services.
43. Coastal sea transportation.
44. Cultivation, production or processing of rare and precious plants, breeding and breeding of rare and precious wild animals and processing and handling of these animals or plants, including live animals and preparations products from them;
45. Production of building materials.
46. Construction and related engineering services.
47. Assembling motorcycles.
48. Services related to sports, fine arts, performing arts, fashion shows, beauty and modeling contests, and other fun and entertainment activities.
49. Air transport support services; ground technical services at airports and airfields; on-board catering services; navigational information services, and aeronautical meteorological services.
50. Ship agency services; ship towing service.
51. Services related to cultural heritage, copyright and related rights, photography, video recording, sound recording, art exhibitions, festivals, libraries, museums;
52. Services related to tourism promotion and promotion.
53. Representative services, recruitment agency and scheduling, management for artists and athletes.
54. Family-related services.
5 5. E-commerce activities.
56. Cemetery business, cemetery services and burial services.
57. Aircraft seeding and chemical spraying services.
58. Marine pilot services;
59. Investment sectors and trades under the pilot mechanism of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Government and the Prime Minister of Vietnam.



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