243 conditional business lines for investment in Vietnam

243 conditional business lines for investment in Vietnam effective on 1st January, 2017.

Post date: 05-02-2017

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Investment Law in 2014 of Vietnam stipulated that there are 267 conditional business lines for investment in Vietnam. On 22nd November 2016, Vietnamese National Assembly adopted the Law No. 03/2016/QH14 adjusted the Investment Law in 2014 of Vietnam, in which there are 243 conditional business lines for investment in Vietnam.

The list of 243 conditional business lines for investment in Vietnamas follows:

1.Production of seal
2.Business support tools (including repairs)
3.Sales of guns, except firecrackers
4.Business equipment and software used to camouflage recording, video recording, positioning
5.Business paintball
6.Sales military equipment for the armed forces, military weapons, equipment, techniques, ammunition and military vehicles used exclusively, the police; components, parts, accessories, supplies and special equipment, specialized manufacturing technology we
7.Pawn Business Services
8.Massage Business Services
9.Business signaling equipment of vehicles are priority
10.Business debt collection service
11.Business Security Services
12.Business Services fire prevention and fighting
13.To practice law
14.Practice of notaries
15.Practice of judicial expertise in the fields of finance, banking, construction, antiques, relics and copyrights
16.Practice Property Auction
17.Service activities of commercial arbitration institutions
18.Practice of bailiffs
19.Practice of management and liquidation of the assets of enterprises and cooperatives during bankruptcy settlement
20.Accounting Business Services
21.Business Audit services
22.Business Services tax procedures
23.Business Services customs procedures
24.Duty Free Sales
25.Business bonded warehouses, retail collection sites
26.Trading venues customs procedures, gathering, examination, supervision
27.Trading in securities
28.Business registration services, depository, clearing and settlement of securities of securities depository center / Market Organization listed securities transactions and other securities
29.Insurance Business
30.Reinsurance Business
31.Insurance Brokers
32.Insurance Agents
33.Business Valuation Services
34.Lottery business
35.Sales of electronic games with prizes for foreigners
36.Business debt trading services
37.Business Services credit ratings
38.Business casino
39.Betting Business
40.Business management services voluntary retirement
41.Trading in oil
42.Gas Trading
43.Manufacture, repair cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG bottle)
44.Sales of commercial assessment services
45.Sales of industrial explosives (including destruction operations)
46.Sales of explosives precursors
47.Trading in occupations that use industrial explosives and explosive precursors
48.Business blasting services
49.Trading in chemicals, excluding chemicals banned under the Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, use and destruction of chemical weapons
50.Wine Business
51.Sales of tobacco products, tobacco materials, machinery and equipment of specialized tobacco
52.Sales of food in the fields of professional management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade
53.Activity Commodity Exchanges
54.Activities of electricity generation, transmission, distribution, wholesale, retail, export and import of electricity, specialized electricity consultancy
55.Rice Exports
56.The business of temporary import for re-export of goods with excise tax
57.The business of temporary import, re-export of frozen food
58.The business of temporary import for re-export of goods on the list of used goods
60.Business Services logistic Plot
61.Mineral Sales
62.Sales of industrial precursors
63.commodity trading activities and activities directly related to commodity trading activities of foreign investors, economic organizations invested abroad
64.The method according to Business MLM
65.E-commerce activities
66.Oil and Gas Activities
67.Energy audit
68.Activities of professional education
69.Accreditation of professional education
70.Business Services skills assessment
71.Business Services Technical Inspection Safety
72.Business training services work safety, occupational health
73.Business Services jobs
74.Business Services sending laborers to work overseas
75.Business Services voluntary detoxification
76.Business Services sublease labor
77.Trucking Business
78.Business warranty service, maintenance of cars
79.Manufacture, assembly, import cars
80.Business Services motor vehicle inspection
81.Business Services Car driver training
82.Business training services ombudspersons traffic safety
83.Business Services driving test
84.Business verification service of traffic safety
85.Business waterways
86.Business Services newbuilding, conversion, repair, restoration inland waterway vessels
87.Business training services crew and unmanned vehicles and inland waterway
88.Education, training and maritime crew recruitment organization, providing maritime crew
89.Business Services ensure maritime safety
90.Trading in sea transport, shipping agency services
91.Business towage services
92.Imports, demolition ships have been used
93.Business Services building and conversion, ship repair
94.Business seaport operators
95.Air Transport Business
96.Business Services design, manufacture, maintenance and testing of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers and equipment, aircraft and equipment in Vietnam
97.Trading in airports, airport
98.Business aviation services at airports, airport
99.Business Services ensure flight operations
100.Business training services, professional training aviation personnel
101.Railway Transport Business
102.Business railway infrastructure
103.Sales of urban rail
104.Business Services multimodal transport
105.Business Services transport of dangerous goods
106.Pipeline transportation business
107.Property Sales
108.Business Services training, fostering knowledge of real estate brokerage and administration of real estate trading floors
109.Business training services, professional knowledge, professional management and operation of condominiums
110.Business management consulting services construction investment projects
111.Business Services Construction survey
112.Business Services organization design, construction design verification
113.Business consulting services for construction supervision works
114.Business Services building construction
115.The construction activities of foreign contractors
116.Business Services investment management of construction costs
117.Business Services accreditation construction
118.Sales of specialized laboratory services building
119.Business management services, operation of condominiums
120.Business management services, operation of cremation
121.Business Services set design construction planning
122.Business consulting services urban planning by organizations and foreign individuals perform
123.Sales of group products White asbestos Serpentine
124.Sales of postal services
125.Sales of telecommunications services
126.Business services digital signature authentication
127.Activities of the publisher
128.Business printing services, except in packaging
129.Business Services released publications
130.Business Services social networks
131.Sales of telecommunications network games, Internet
132.Business radio services, pay TV
133.Business Services set up electronic information synthesis
134.Processing services, recycling, repair, refresh the information technology products used on the list of information technology products used import ban for foreign partners
135.Business information content services on mobile telecommunications network, the Internet
136.Business registration services, maintaining the domain name ".vn"
137.Sales of products, services network information security
138.Sales of products, services civil password
139.Business jamming devices, mobile communication jamming
140.Activities of preschool educational institutions
141.Activities of general education establishments
142.The operation of higher education establishments
143.Activities of educational institutions with foreign capital, and representative offices of foreign education in Vietnam, campus educational institutions with foreign capital
144.Activities of the regular educational institutions
145.Activities of special schools
146.Joint training activities with foreign countries
147.Education Quality Accreditation
148.Business advisory services study
149.Capture Fisheries
150.Seafood Business
151.Trading in aquatic feed, animal feed
152.Business Services aquatic food testing, animal feed
153.Business probiotics, microorganisms, chemicals, environmental treatment and improvement in aquaculture
154.Trading in building and upgrading of fishing vessels
155.Breeding, rearing and artificial propagation of animals, wild animals and plants under CITES CONVENTION Appendix
156.Breeding, rearing and artificial propagation of animals, wild plants, endangered, rare and not specified in the CITES Conventipn Appendices
157.Breeding breeding, rearing of wild animals typically
158.Export, import, re-export, transit and introduction from the sea of specimens from the wild stipulated in CITES Appendix
159.Exports, imports and re-export of specimens for breeding, rearing and artificial propagation stipulated in CITES Appendix
160.Business flora and fauna that limited exploitation or use for commercial purposes
161.Sales of plant protection products
162.Business Services handles objects subject to phytosanitary
163.Business Services assay plant protection drugs
164.Sales of plant protection services
165.Sales of veterinary medicines, vaccines, biological products, microorganisms and chemicals for veterinary use
166.Sales Technical Services Veterinary
167.Trading testing services, animal surgery
168.Business Services vaccination, diagnosis, prescription, medical, animal health care
169.Business Services testing, assay veterinary drugs (including veterinary medicine, aquatic veterinary drugs, vaccines, biological products, microorganisms and chemicals for veterinary use, aquatic animal health )
170.Livestock Business focus
171.Business slaughter cattle and poultry
172.Food business in the fields of professional management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
173.Business Services animal quarantine, animal products
174.Sales of fertilizers
175.Business Services fertilizer trial
176.Sales of plant varieties and animal breeds
177.Business aquatic seeds
178.Business Services assay varieties and animal breeds
179.Business Services aquatic assaying
180.Business Services testing, testing biological products, microorganisms and chemicals, environmental treatment and improvement in aquaculture
181.Sales of genetically modified products
182.Business Services medical examination and treatment
183.Business Services HIV testing
184.Business tissue banking
185.Business support services reproduction, storing sperm, embryo storage
186.Business Services microbiological testing of infectious disease
187.Business immunization services
188.Business Services treat opiate addiction by substitution drugs
189.Business Services Cosmetic Surgery
190.Business Services technical implementation surrogacy
191.Pharmaceutical Business
192.Production of cosmetics
193.Trading in chemicals, insecticides, disinfectants in the field of medical appliances
194.Food business in the fields of professional management of the Ministry of Health
195.Sales of medical equipment
196.Activities of the classification of medical equipment
197.Business Services testing medical equipment
198.Business Services expertise on intellectual property (including the assessment of copyright and related rights, industrial property assessment and identification of plant variety rights)
199.Business Services conducting radiation work
200.Business support services applications of atomic energy
201.Business Services conformity assessment
202.Business inspection services, calibration, testing means of measurement, measurement standards
203.Production of helmets for motorcycle riders, motorcycle
204.Business evaluation services, pricing and technology assessment
205.Business Services represents the intellectual property rights
206.Business Services production, release and dissemination
207.Business Services antiques appraisal
208.Business Services Project planning, construction organization, supervision of construction projects on preservation, repair and restoration of monuments
209.Business Services karaoke, discos
210.Business Travel Service
211.Sales of sports activities of sports business, club professional sports
212.Business Services artistic performances, fashion shows, beauty contests held, model
213.Business recordings, video recordings of dance music, theater
214.Business Lodging
215.Business Services Product introduce advertising to the public
216.Purchase and sale of relics, antiques and national treasures
217.Export of relics, antiques not under state ownership, ownership of political institutions, political organizations - social; importing cultural goods subject to specialized management by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
218.Business Services Museum
219.Sales of electronic games (except business electronic games with prizes for foreigners and business electronic games with prizes on the network)
220.Business consulting services surveys, land evaluation
221.Business Services on planning, land use planning
222.Business Services building technical infrastructure of information technology, software construction of land information system
223.Business Services building land database
224.Sales of land valuation services
225.Business Services geodesy and cartography
226.Sales forecasting services, meteorological warning
227.Business Services groundwater drilling, groundwater exploration
228.Business operators services, use of water resources, waste water discharge into water
229.Business Services baseline surveys, advisory planning, proposals, reports of water resources
230.Trading in mineral exploration services
231.Mineral Mining
232.Business Services shipping and handling of hazardous waste
233.Imports of scrap
234.Business Services environmental monitoring
235.Sales of bio waste
236.Business operations of commercial banks
237.Business operations of the organization of non-bank credit
238.Business operations of cooperative banks, people”s credit funds, microfinance institutions
239.Supply intermediary payment service
240.Providing credit information services
241.Foreign exchange activities of the organization are not credit institutions
242.Gold Business
243.Activities money printing and minting

Any more infomation about conditional business lines for investment in Vietnam, feel free to contact with us.

LAWYER VN - Vietnamese Law Firm

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