Eligibility conditions for trade in pesticides in Vietnam effective from 17th September, 2018
Post date: 19-04-2021
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Eligibility conditions for trade in pesticides in Vietnam
Entities and persons trading pesticides in Vietnam shall be required to meet conditions prescribed in Article 63 of the Law on Plant Protection and Quarantine and Article 4 of Decree No 123/2018/ND-CP of Vietnam Government includes the following specific conditions:
1.The person directly managing pesticides and the person directly selling pesticides in Vietnam must hold at least vocational secondary education graduation diploma in one of the following majors, e.g. plant protection, crop cultivation, chemistry, biology or agronomy, or the certificate of completion of a pesticide training program.
2. Having lawful locations that satisfy the requirements on area and safety distance for humans, animals and the environment as prescribed. Pesticide distribution locations must be separate from food and beverage service areas, schools and hospitals; when building pesticide distribution facilities, it shall be necessary to ensure that they must be at least 20 meters away from water supply sources (e.g. rivers, lakes, canals, ditches or wells).
3. Having warehouses in Vietnam as prescribed and equipment suitable to preservation and treatment of pesticides upon occurrence of incidents;
Pesticide warehouses or storage facilities shall meet the following conditions:
a) As regards pesticide wholesaling facilities, pesticide warehouses must conform to requirements set out in the Vietnam National Standard TCVN 5507:2002: Hazardous chemicals – Code of Practice for Safety in Production, Commerce, Use, Handling and Transportation;
b) As regards pesticide retailing facilities, pesticides must be stored in pesticide warehouses which are built at the distance of at least 20 meters away from water supply sources (e.g. rivers, lakes, canals, ditches or wells), and must be placed onto pallets as high as at least 10 cm from the floor and must be 20 cm distant from the walls.”
- The Law No.41/2013/QH13 on Plant Protection and Quarantine passed on November 25, 2013, by the XIIIth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, at its 6th session.
-Decree No. 123/2018/ND-CP dated September 17, 2018 of the Vietnam Government amending and supplementing certain Decrees on investment and business requirements in the agriculture sector.
LAWYER VIETNAM LAW FIRM- Vietnamese lawyers.
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