Exemption from power generation license in Vietnam for solar power plant

Exemption from power generation license in Vietnam for solar power plant effective from December 6, 2018.

Post date: 23-12-2018

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Exemption from power generation license in Vietnam for solar power plant

Exemption from power generation license in Vietnam for solar power plant

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued Circular No. 36/2018 / TT-BCT dated October 16, 2018, effective from December 6, 2018, stipulating 4 cases of exemption from power generation license in Vietnam as follows:

1. Power generation for self-use without selling electrical power to other organizations and individuals.

2. Power generation with installed capacity of under 1 MW (01 MWp for solar power plants installed at 01 location and 01 connection point) to sell electrical power to other organizations and individuals.

3. Trading electrical power in rural, mountainous and island areas to buy power with a capacity of less than 50 kVA from the power distribution network to sell electrical power directly to power users in rural, mountainous and island areas. .

4. Regulating the national power system and operating power market transactions.

Thus, for solar power plants with installed capacity of less than 01 MWp installed at one location and 01 connection point to sell power to other organizations and individuals, they shall be exempt from power generation license in Vietnam.

This is a new point to develop solar power plant system in the future.

Any information about exemption from power generation license in Vietnam for solar power plant, feel free to contact with us.


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