Client privacy information policy
Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm, a law firm dully established under Vietnamese laws, having its law practice license No.41.02.2442/TP/ĐKHĐ issued by Justice Department of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam dated 18th May, 2016.
- Telephone: (+84) 28. 35152871 ; Mobil: (+84) 918171098 ; Email:
- Legal representative of law firm: Mr. HOANG DUC PHU - Attoney at law - Lawyer Card ID No:6543, being a member of Bar Association of Ho Chi Minh City.
License to start a social media platform in Vietnam
Conditions and procedures for granting a license to start a social media platform in Vietnam
Procedures for consular legalization of foreign documents used in Vietnam
Four steps of procedures for consular legalization of foreign documents used in Vietnam