Client privacy information policy
Post date: 28-01-2014
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a) General privacy information policy:
Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm, a law firm dully established under Vietnamese laws, having its law practice license No.41.02.2442/TP/ĐKHĐ issued by Justice Department of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam dated 18th May, 2016.
Lawyers are obliged to keep client information in confidential manner when providing legal services and after service ended, unless the client agrees or as prescribed by law;
Lawyers are responsible for requiring the related associates and their staffs commit not to disclose confidential information they learned and explain if their disclosure must be responsible before the law.
b) The purpose of information gathering;
Lawyers gather information to ensure providing the best legal service to client, not to collect information beyond with service scope with client.
Lawyers gather information by ways that clients provide their information for lawyers before and during performing legal services.
c) The use of information;
Lawyers use the information gathered to legal counseling and to perform legal services for clients.
d) Information retention:
Client information is kept in the confidential manner during and after performing legal services under the laws.
e) Disclosure of information;
Lawyers, associates and staff do not to disclose information to other companies, organizations and individuals unless the client’s consent or as prescribed by law.
f) Contact Address:
Clients need legal services, please contact with Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm at following address (click here). Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm has the experienced and dedicated lawyers to support clients.
g) Update the information.
Whenever clients using our legal services can contact us at the above address; Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm will promptly update the information to meet the needs of clients.
h) Commitment of privacy information:
Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm commits to protect customer information any way we can. Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm will use information security techniques to protect client information not be used or disclosed unintended.
Lawyer Vietnam Law Firm- Vietnamese Lawyers
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