Procedures for consular legalization of Vietnamese documents for use abroad
Post date: 14-12-2016
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Vietnam until now has not been a State member of the Hague Apostille Convention 5 October 1961 abolishing the requirements of legalization for public documents. When the Vietnamese documents are used in foreign countries, they must be translated into foreign language and legalized consular.
Consular Legalization of Vietnamese documents
Procedures for consular legalization of Vietnamese documents for use abroad will take the following steps:
Step 1: The documents issued by the competent bodies/organizations in Vietnam must be translated into foreign language and authenticated at a competent authentication bodies of Vietnam.
Step 2: The authenticated and translated documents must be certified by the competent diplomatic body of Vietnam.
Step 3: The authenticated and translated documents must be certified by the competent diplomatic representative body of foreign country.
Any more information about consular legalization of Vietnamese documents for use abroad, feel free to contact with us, Click Here
LAWYER VN - Vietnamese Law Firm
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