Procedures for recording (annotation) in registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign country.

Competence, order of and procedures for recording (annotation) in registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign country.

Post date: 27-04-2016

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Procedures for recording (annotation) in registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign country

Procedures for recording (annotation) in registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign country

1. The provincial justice department of locality where Vietnamese citizen lives shall implement annotations (recording) in the registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in foreign country (hereinafter called annotations (recording) in the registers for marriage). In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the persons temporarily reside shall perform annotations (recording) in the registers for marriages.
The representative agency shall make annotations (recording) in the registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens residing in the receiving country.

2. A dossier of annotation (recording) in the registers for marriage is made into 01 set, including the following papers:

a) The declaration for annotation (recording) in the registers for marriage (made according to a set form);
b) The copies of papers proving marriage issued by foreign competent agencies;
c) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters such as identity card or passport or papers of substitute value;
d) The copy of the household registration book or the temporary residence book of applicant.
In case of recognition of marriage between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.

3. Dossier of annotation (recording) in the registers for marriage must be directly filed at competent agencies as prescribed in clause 1.

4. Time to solve the annotation (recording) in the registers for marriage is 05 days as from the date the provincial justice departments or representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees. In case needs verification, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceed 05 working days.
In case of refusal for the annotation (recording) in the registers for marriage, the provincial justice departments shall reply in writing to applicant, which clearly stating reason thereof.

5. After the annotation (recording) in the registers for marriage has been performed, the Director of provincial justice departments or The representative agency shall sign and issue a confirmation that marriage has been annotated (recorded) in records for civil status matters (in standard form).

Source: Degree No. 24/2013/NĐ-CP dated 28 March 2013 of Vietnamese Goverment. - Vietnamese law firm

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