Certificate of conformity on napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam in accordance with national standards QCVN 09: 2015/BCT
Post date: 13-06-2023
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Certificate of conformity on napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Circular 33/2016/TT-BCT dated December 23, 2016 amending Circular 36/2015/TT-BCT on national standards of napkin and toilet tissue paper which took effect from January 1st, 2018, abbreviated as QCVN 09: 2015/BCT. So, from January 1st, 2018, tissue paper, napkin, toilet tissue paper products consumed on the Vietnamese market must be assessed and certified for standard conformity (“Certificate of conformity”), bearing the “conformity mark” (CR mark) in accordance with the provisions of national standards QCVN 09: 2015/BCT and subject to inspection by product and goods quality inspection agencies.
1. Denifitions:
1.1 “tissue paper” means a type of paper that has been crinkled, comprising one or more plies of light-weight paper. Tissue paper and large roll tissue paper used for tissue paper and toilet tissue paper processing are hereinafter referred to as tissue paper.
1.2 “napkin” means a product made from tissue paper with different sizes and used for cleaning and absorption purposes. Napkins may be embossed, in white or other colors or have decorative print designs.
1.3 “toilet tissue paper” means a product made from tissue paper in the form of a roll or in the form of a stack or a block of sheets or in different colors or in decorative print designs. Toilet tissue paper is absorbent and intended for sanitary use in a toilet.
1.4 “Declaration of standard conformity” on napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam: Declaration of standard conformity on napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam is a declaration of conformity by a supplier, manufacturer or importer of napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam with national standards on napkin and toilet tissue paper QCVN 09: 2015/BCT.
1.5 Certificate of conformity on napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam: Certificate of conformity on napkin and toilet tissue paper in Vietnam is the confirmation that a supplier of manufacturerg or importor of napkin and toilet tissue paper conforms to the National standards on napkin and toilet tissue paper QCVN 09: 2015/BCT.
1.6 The conformity mark (CR mark): The conformity mark shall be designed in a correct form, size and proportion as prescribed in Annex I of Circular 28/2012/TT-BKHCN in the same color, recognizable, is used directly on products, goods or packages or in technical documents or on labels stuck on products, goods at apparent and readable positions, not be erased easily and not be able to take it off then stick again;
2. List of conformity assessment organizations appointed by Vietnam”s Ministry of Industry and Trade to test/inspect/certify tissue and toilet paper products in accordance with national standards QCVN 09: 2015/BCT:
No |
Name of conformity assessment organization |
Address |
Designated field of conformity assessment |
Decision |
1 |
Trung tâm kỹ thuật Tiêu chuẩn Đo lường Chất lượng 3 |
Số 49 Pasteur, phường Nguyễn Thái Bình, Quận 1, Tp. Hồ Chí Minh |
Certificate Testing Assessment |
Certificate: 1824/QĐ-BCT dated 09/7/2020 Valid: 09/7/2023 Testing: 1824/QĐ-BCT dated 09/7/2020 Valid: 09/7/2023 Assessment: 1824/QĐ-BCT dated 09/7/2020 Valid: 09/7/2023 |
2 |
Công ty Cổ phần Chứng nhận và Kiểm định Vinacontrol |
Số 54, phố Trần Nhân Tông, phường Nguyễn Du, quận Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội |
Certificate |
2862/QĐ-BCT dated 09/11/2020 Valid: 09/5/2022 |
3 |
Công ty CP Chứng nhận và Giám định ISCA |
Số 46/24 đường Kim Đồng, phường Giáp Bát, quận Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội |
Certificate |
874/QĐ-BCT dated 10/4/2019 Valid: 10/6/2022 |
4 |
Trung tâm Giám định và chứng nhận hợp chuẩn hợp quy – Công ty cổ phần chứng nhận VIETCERT |
Số 28 An Xuân, phường An Khê, quận Thanh Khê, thành phố Đà Nẵng |
Certificate |
3210/QĐ-BCT dated 09/12/2020 Valid: 09/12/2023 |
5 |
Công ty cổ phần chứng nhận và giám định IQC |
Ô 6/BT4, Khu đô thị mới Cầu Bươu, huyện Thanh Trì, thành phố Hà Nội |
Certificate Assessment |
Certificate and Assessment: 975/QĐ-BCT dated 23/3/2021 Valid: 23/3/2024 |
6 |
Công ty cổ phần - Viện Nghiên cứu Dệt May |
478 phố Minh Khai, phường Vĩnh Tuy, quận Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội |
Certificate Assessment |
Certificate and Assessment: 1381/QĐ-BCT dated 12/5/2021 Valid: 12/5/2024
7 |
Viện Năng suất Chất lượng Deming |
28 An Xuân, phường An Khê, quận Thanh Khê, thành phố Đà Nẵng |
Assessment |
930/QĐ-BCT dated 20/3/2020 Valid: 20/3/2023 |
8 |
Công ty cổ phần Tập đoàn Vinacontrol |
54 Trần Nhân Tông, phường Nguyễn Du, quận Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội |
Assessment |
1766/QĐ-BCT dated 03/7/2020 Valid: 03/7/2023 |
Source: Nguồn: https://moit.gov.vn/to-chuc-danh-gia
3. Documents required for the conformity certificate on tissues and toilet paper in Vietnam
• Application form for certification of conformity
• Copy of business registration certificate or business establishment certificate
• The product”s test results are issued by the competent units
• Documents, product specifications
• Other relevant documents
4. Method of certifying the conformity of napkin and toilet tissue paper
Circular No. 28/2012/TT-BKHCN dated December 12, 2012 of the Ministry of Science and Technology specifies:
• Method 5: Applied to stable production products according to the manufacturer”s commitment and having a quality management system (ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP...). The certificate is valid for 3 years.
• Method 7: Applied to each batch of manufactured or imported products on the basis of testing the quality of representative samples of the batch of products. The certificate of conformity is only valid for each batch of products.
Note: when there is any change in any content of the registered regulation conformity declaration dossier or there is any change in the features, uses, and characteristics of the products, goods and services already registered, the regulation conformity declaration will be made again for the above two methods (Article 16 of Circular 28/2012/TT-BKHCN as amended by Clause 5, Article 1 of Circular 02/2017/TT-BKHCN).
Products after performing the compulsory certification of conformity shall declare the technical-regulation conformity in accordance with law and must register the declaration of technical-regulation conformity at the Department of Industry and Trade in the locality where such organization or individual registers its operation, manufacturing business.
5. Application for registration of the declaration of standard conformity
The product owner shall make 02 (two) sets of application for registration of the declaration of standard conformity, in which 01 (one) application shall be submitted directly or through post office to the Sub-Departments and 01 (one) application shall be kept by the product owner. An application includes documents as follows:
1. In case of declaration of standard conformity based on result of certifying the standard conformity of the registered certifying organizations (the third party), application for registration of the declaration of standard conformity includes:
a) Declaration of standard conformity (made according to Form 2. CBHC/HQ specified in Annex III of Circular 28/2012/TT-BKHCN);
b) Original copies of documentary evidences about business operation of the product owner (written enterprise registration or the Business registration certificate or Business household registration certificate or investment certificate or decision on establishment or other papers as prescribed by law);
c) Original copy of the applied standard;
d) Original copy of the standard conformity certificate issued by the registered certifying organizations, enclosed with standard conformity marking specimen.
While processing the application, if it is necessary, the copies may be considered or compared with the originals or the authenticated copies may be required for supplementation.
2. In case of declaration of standard conformity based on result of self assessment of the first party, application for registration of the declaration of standard conformity includes:
a) Declaration of standard conformity (made according to Form 2. CBHC/HQ specified in Annex III of Circular 28/2012/TT-BKHCN);
b) Original copies of documentary evidences about business operation of the product owner (written enterprise registration or the Business registration certificate or Business household registration certificate or investment certificate or decision on establishment or other papers as prescribed by law);
c) Original copy of the applied standard;
d) In case where the product owner has not yet been granted the certificate of standard conformity about management system (ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP...) by the registered certifying organizations, the application must include the production process enclosed with plan on quality control formulated and applied (according to form 1. KHKSCL specified in Annex III of this Circular) and plan on supervising the management system;
dd) In case where the product owner has been granted the certificate of standard conformity about management system (ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP...) by the registered certifying organizations, the application must include copy of valid original of certificate of conforming standards about management system;
e) Report on assessing the standard conformity (made according to form 5. BCDG specified in Annex III of this Circular), enclosed with original copy of the test result of sample within 12 months calculated to time of submitting application for registration of the declaration of standard conformity made by the registered testing organizations.
While processing the application, if it is necessary, the copies may be considered or compared with the originals or the authenticated copies may be required for supplementation.
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