Requirements for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in Vietnam

Requirements for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in Vietnam which is effective from 1st July 2016

Post date: 01-12-2018

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Requirements for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in Vietnam

Requirements for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in Vietnam.

1. Facilities required for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in vietnam:

a) Having location fixed and separate from areas for daily-life activities, having sufficient light, dustproof ceiling and wall and floor made of materials which can be cleansed easily.
b) Having consulting rooms whose area is at least 10 m2 and a place for patient reception.
c There shall be a sterilization area for treating medical instruments for reuse which is separated from other areas.
d) Satisfying the conditions of radiation safety, hospital waste management and fire and explosion prevention according to law; ensuring the aseptic operation.
e) Ensuring the sufficiency of electricity and water supply and other conditions for patient care.

2. Medical equipment required for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in vietnam:

a) Having sufficient medical equipment and instruments suitable to the practice scope that the facility registered;
b) Having anti-shock first aid kits and sufficient specialized emergency drugs;

3. Personnel required for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in vietnam:

a) Any chief physician of a dermatology clinic shall satisfy the following conditions:
- Being a doctor with a practice certificate in dermatology.
- Having worked as a healthcare practitioner in dermatology for at least 54 months.
b) If wishing to provide healthcare, persons other than the chief physicians of a specialized clinicworking in the specialized clinic must have a practice certificate and be assigned in accordance with the practice scope specified in such practice certificate.

Source: Article 26 of Decree No.109/2016/ND-CP dated 1st  of Vietnamese Goverment

Any information about requirements for issuance of operation licenses to dermatology clinics in vietnam, feel free to contact with us.

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