Five-years visa exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses

Procedure for applying for a 5 years visa exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses.

Post date: 15-05-2017

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Five-years visa exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses

Five-years visa exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses

A foreigner who has a spouse who is a Vietnamese citizen has the right to apply for a visa exemption certificate from Vietnam in accordance with law. Visa exemption certificates are valid for a maximum period of 5 years, each time of entry into Vietnam, those who have visa exemption certificates are exempted from Vietnamese visas within 6 months (180 days).

1. The legal basis for granting 5 years visa exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses.
Law No. 47/2014/QH2013 - Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam
Decree No. 82/2015/ND-CP stipulating the exemption of visa visas for Vietnamese residing overseas and foreigners with spouses and children of Vietnamese residing overseas or Vietnamese citizens.
Circular 04/2015/TT-BCA specifies forms of papers related to the entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam.

2. Application file for a five-years visa exemption certificate for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses.
- The original passport is valid for at least 5 years. (In case the passport remains valid for less than 5 years, the visa exemption period will be calculated according to the remaining time of the passport).
- Certificate of marriage registration certificate or marriage recording certificate (in case of foreign language requires consular legalization, translation).
- The original ID or passport of a spouse who is a Vietnamese citizen
- Form NA9, Application for 5-year visa exemption for foreigners

3. Submission of 5-years visa exemption application for foreigner with Vietnamese spouses.
- In case the foreigner is in Vietnam: Submit the application file for visa exemption at the Immigration Department of Vietnam (Immigration Department in Hanoi, Immigration Department in Da Nang, Immigration Department in Danang City HCM).
- In case foreigners are not in Vietnam: Submit the application for visa exemption at the Vietnamese embassy or consulate abroad.

4. Time limit for 5 years visa exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses:

05 working days after receipt of valid application files by the the Immigration Department of Vietnam or Consulate (Embassy) of Vietnam abroad.

Any more information about 5-years visa exemption application for foreigner with Vietnamese spouses, please contact with us, Click here.

Vietnamese Law Firm - LAWYER VN

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  • Gilberto Dominguez (01-05-2020) Reply
    I get monthly retirement pay for social security and from the Veterans Admisintration in the US. However, I have not be able to open a bank account yet and I must usually travel to the nearest us territory to cash my benefit checks. We were told any foreigner leaving Vietnam would not be allow to enter regardless if they possess a visa of a visa exemption due to being married to a Vietnam Citizen. Today is May first, 2020, Can a US citizen married to a Vietnam citizen spouse and holding a 5 year visa exemption able to leave and reenter Vietnam at this time or not yet ?
  • Wendell Williams (23-09-2019) Reply
    To whom it may concern, I am looking for more information concerning the 5 year exemption for foreigners with Vietnamese spouses.
  • Trinh Dao (19-07-2019) Reply
    Hello, how long does it take to let my fiancé eligible to work in Vietnam after applying for the 5 years visa exemption?
  • Jimmy Wu (01-07-2019) Reply
    For 5 years visa exemption , what happen if I stay 10 days more then the 180 days permitted. Thank
  • Jimmy Wu (01-07-2019) Reply
    For 5 years exemption visa , what happen if I need to stay 10 days more then 180 days permitted
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