Procedures for testing of fertilizers for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam
Post date: 01-06-2021
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Testing of fertilizers for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam
The testing of fertilizers for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam is governed by Decree No. 108/2017/ND-CP dated September 20, 2017 on fertilizer management.
I. Principles for testing of fertilizers for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam
1. Fertilizers shall be tested before they are recognized for circulation in Vietnam except for the fertilizers prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.
2. Fertilizers that are not required to be tested shall include:
a) The organic fertilizers are used for roots include: i) Organic fertilizers are fertilizers whose main nutrients include organic substances and nutrients derived from organic materials; ii) Traditional organic fertilizers are fertilizers produced from animal wastes, by-products of plants, other plants or organic household wastes by traditional composting.
b) The following single and complex fertilizers that are used for roots and do not contain substances for boosting their performance, substances for soil improvement, microorganisms, PGRs or substances changing their nature, utilities and efficiency;
- Single fertilizers are fertilizers containing only one macronutrient;
- Complex fertilizers are fertilizers which contain at least 2 macronutrients connected by chemical bonds;
c) Fertilizers that are the results of research projects and subjects of the State, ministries and provinces which are recognized as technical advances.
3. Fertilizers shall be tested on a large scale and small scale. The testing on the large scale shall only carried out after those on the small scale finishes.
4. The testing of fertilizers shall be carried out at the premises of eligible organizations in Vietnam.
5. The testing of fertilizers shall comply with national standards. If there is no national standards, the testing of fertilizers shall be carried out in accordance with regulations on testing prescribed in Appendix II and submit a report on testing results using the specimen 02 prescribed in Appendix I of Decree No.108/2017/ND-CP.
6 .The amount of fertilizer that is allowed to be produced or imported for testing shall be determined according to amount of fertilizer for each type of plants and areas for actual testing but not exceed 10 hectares in case of annual plants and 20 hectares in case of perennial plants.
II. Applications for testing of fertilizers for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam
1. Submission of applications for testing of fertilizers for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam
An organization or individual shall submit an application in person, by post or through wed portals of the Plant Protection Department - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam.
Within 03 working days from the day on which the application is received, if it is not valid, a notification of completing the application will be sent to the applicant.
2. An application for the testing of a fertilizer for recognition of their circulation in Vietnam
shall consist of:
a) An application form for testing of the fertilizer using the specimen 04 prescribed in Appendix I of Decree No.108/2017/ND-CP;
b) Technical documents on the fertilizer using the specimen 05 prescribed in Appendix I of Decree No.108/2017/ND-CP;
c) An outline of the testing using the specimen 06 prescribed in Appendix I of Decree No.108/2017/ND-CP.
3. Verification of applications for testing of the fertilizer
Within 20 days from the day on which the valid application is received, the Plant Protection Department shall establish a council to verify the application or process and approve the application.
If the application satisfies regulations on fertilizers, the Plant Protection Department -Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam shall issue a written consent to the testing using specimen 07 prescribed in Appendix I of Decree No.108/2017/ND-CP or send a written explanation to the applicant if it refuses to issue the written consent.
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