The application files for consolidation of the companies into a joint-stock company in Vietnam
Post date: 03-08-2018
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Consolidation of the companies into a joint stock company in Vietnam
The application files for consolidation of the companies into a joint-stock company in Vietnam includes:
1. The Application form for business registration in standard form for consolidation of the companies into a joint stock company in Vietnam
2. The charter of a joint-stock company after consolidation of the companies into a joint stock company in Vietnam.
3. The list of founding shareholders and shareholders being foreign investors; The list of authorized representatives for foreign shareholders is an company in standard form
4. Valid copies of the following papers:
4.1 Citizen identification card or identity card or valid passport if the founder is an individual;
4.2 Establishment decision or business registration certificate or other equivalent document where the founder is an company; ID card or ID card or valid passport of the authorized representative and the corresponding authorization letter (refer to the contents of authorization in Article 15 of the Law on Enterprises);
4.3 Investment registration certificate, for enterprises founded or co-founded by foreign investors or foreign-invested companies in accordance with the Law on Investment and related guidelines;
5. The contract on the consolidation of companies into joint-stock company in Vietnam;
6. Resolution and minutes of the meeting approving the consolidation contract of the consolidated companies in Vietnam.
7. A valid copy of the enterprise registration certificate or other equivalent document of the consolidated company in Vietnam;
Any more infromation about consolidation of the companies into a joint stock company in Vietnam, feel free to contact with our law firm
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