Vietnamese barrister, advocate, counselor

Introduction to Vietnamese barrister, advocate, counselor

Post date: 16-06-2014

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Vietnamese barrister also known as Vietnamese advocate or Vietnamese counselor is specialist in advocacy and represent a litigant in court. They are independent sources of legal advice and can advise clients on their case.

Vietnamese barrister, advocate, counselor

Vietnamese barrister, advocate, counselor

In Vietnam, there is no distinguishing between barristers and solicitors. They plead the case on behalf of the client.

Typical work activities of Vietnamese barristers or Vietnamese advocate or Vietnamese counselor depend on a range of factors, including the area of practice. However, Vietnamese barristers or Vietnamese advocate or Vietnamese counselor are generally involved in the following tasks:

• taking instruction from clients;
• understanding and interpreting the law;
• mastering and managing legal briefs (cases);
• undertaking legal research into relevant points of law;
• writing opinions and advising clients and other professionals;
• preparing cases for court, including holding client conferences, preparing legal arguments, etc.;
• advising clients on matters of law and evidence and the strength of their case;
• reviewing evidence
• representing clients in court;
• presenting arguments in court;
• examining and cross-examining witnesses;
• summing up the reasons why the court should support the client”s case;
• drafting legal documents;
• Negotiating settlements.

When a Vietnamese lawyer participates in a legal proceeding as Vietnamese barrister, advocate, counselor, such Vietnamese lawyers must have a certificate to act in the legal proceeding issued by the body conducting legal proceedings. The documents required for issuance of lawyer’s certificate to act in the legal proceedings are the lawyer”s card and the letter of request to the lawyer from the client. The body conducting legal proceedings shall issue a lawyer”s certificate to act in the legal proceeding within 3 working days.

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