Application files for registration, granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residential houses and other property on land

Application files for registration, granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residential houses and other property on land for the first time effective from July 5, 2014.

Post date: 01-09-2015

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Application files for registration, granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residential houses and other  property on land

Application files for registration, granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residential houses and other  property on land 

Application files for registration, granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residential houses and other property on land for the first time shall include:

a) A written form of registration , granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residential houses and other  properties on land for the first time in standard form No. 04/DDK;
b) One of the documents specified in Article 100 of the Law on Land and Article 18 of the Government”s Decree No.43/2014/ND-CP dated May 15, 2014 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of provisions of the Law on Land (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP) for the cases of registration of land using rights
c) One of the documents stipulated in Articles 31, 32, 33 and 34 of Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP for cases of registration of ownership of property on land.
A diagram of houses or construction in case of the registration of ownership of houses or construction, (unless in the papers of ownership of houses or construction, there is a diagram in accordance with the current conditions of the houses, constructions);
d) A report on the review results of the current conditions of use for the land for domestic organizations, religious institutions using the land before July 1, 2004 in the Form 08/DK;
dd) A voucher of financial obligations; papers relating to the exemption and reduction of financial obligations on land and property on land (if any);
e) A decision of the Minister of National Defense, the Minister of Public Security on stationed position or location of works; a copy of the decision of the Prime Minister for approval of land-use planning for purposes of National defense and security in the administrative division of the military zone, in the administrative division of central-affiliated cities and provinces on which units registering the certificate are named for People’s armed forces using land for the purpose of National defense and security, in addition to the papers prescribed at Points a, b and d of this paragraph ;
g) A contract or written agreement or decision of the People”s Court on determining the limited right to enjoyment for the adjacent land plots must be presented, enclosed with diagrams showing the location, area size of the land plots that the users of the adjacent land plots are entitled to use in limit in case of registration of limited right to enjoyment for the adjacent land plots.

Any enquiry about application files for registration, granting Certificate of land using rights, ownership of residencial houses and other  property on land for the first time, please contact with us, Click here.

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