Application for investment certificate online for foreign direct investment in Vietnam

Application for investment certificate online for foreign direct investment in Vietnam at National Information System of foreign investment

Post date: 17-03-2015

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 On 29 January 2015, the Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam promulgated Official Letter No.579/BKHDT on launching a national information system of foreign investment. By this Official Letter, from 1st March 2015, all new foreign direct investor in Vietnam must register information online at national Information System before submitting application files for investment certificate issuance to the investment certificate issuing body and make report on their investment project.

Application for investment certificate online for foreign direct investment in Vietnam

Application for investment certificate online for foreign direct investment in Vietnam

 Begore submitting application for investment certificate for foreign direct investment in Vietnam, the investor must register information online relating to the application files, the investor, the enterprise and the project in form as provided at the link:

 The user manual for information registration online is downloaded at the link:

 When registration is successfully completed, the investor will be received a registration code to complete procedure for request of investment certificate issuance. The investor shall submit certificate issuing body such registration code accompanied with the application files as provided by laws within 48 hours from receipt of the registration code is provided to the investor. After the aforementioned time limitation, the registration code shall be automatically cancelled.

 When a full valid application files and registration code are lodged at certificate issuing body, investor will obtain a dossier receipt to receive the investment certificate on time mentioned in the receipt. The investor shall show the valid passport and the dossier receipt to receive the investment certificate 

 Similarly, FDI Enterprise is obligated to make its online report on their investment project at National Information System of foreign investment. The user manual can be downloaded at this link:

 The FDI Enterprise shall submit its report on their investment project on a monthly basis (on 18th of each month), a quarterly basis (in the last month of each quarter) and finally on an annual basis.

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