06-06-2024 // 1,448 view(s)
Employee’s compensation amounts that are subject and not subject to the compulsory social insurance premium in Vietnam effective from 1st January, 2021
Hiring Vietnamese to work abroad under direct employment contract
16-03-2022 // 3,120 view(s)
Regulations on hiring Vietnamese to work abroad under direct employment contract
Regulations on redundancy pay in Vietnam
29-07-2021 // 6,928 view(s)
Regulations on cases of redundancy pay in Vietnam take effect from February 1st, 2021
Regulations on severance pay in Vietnam
29-05-2021 // 14,802 view(s)
Regulations on cases of severance pay in Vietnam take effect from February 1st, 2021
14-05-2021 // 2,769 view(s)
There are 11 cases which do not require approval of local authority on demand for use of foreigner working in Vietnam effective from January 1st, 2021
Cases of work permit exemption for foreigners working in Vietnam
14-05-2021 // 2,534 view(s)
Cases of work permit exemption for foreigners working in Vietnam effective from January 1st, 2021
Leave of periods are counted as the length of working period
06-10-2014 // 4,889 view(s)
Leave of periods are counted as the length of working period to the severance allowance as per Official Letter No.2467/LDTBXH LĐTL dated 14 July 2014 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
Probation is just only conducted one occasion for one job
18-08-2014 // 5,783 view(s)
Probation is just only conducted one occasion for one job in accordance with Official Letter No.2825/LĐTBXH-LĐTL dated 6 August 2014 providing guidance on labor laws
The list of occupational diseases enjoying social insurance in Vietnam
16-01-2014 // 8,543 view(s)
The list of occupational diseases being entitled to social insurance in Vietnam from 1976 to 2013